Time to Sign

World Book Day 

Snow White  &  Friends                                                          Wizard of Oz                                      Goldilocks & the Three Bears

5TTS S15 World book day Snow White friends.mp4
6TTS S15 World book day Scarecrow wizard.mp4
7TTS S15 World book day Goldilocks 3 bears.mp4

Clare & Emma - Colour, Red, Blue & Yellow                   Clare & Emma -  Under the Sea

TTS S8 colour red blue yellow Clare and Emma.mp4
TTS S8 Under the sea.mp4

Emma & Clare - Water, Soap, Wash & Dry                  Clare & Emma - Spring,  Tree & Flower

8 TTS S8 water soap wash dry Clare and Emma.mp4
9 TTS S8 Spring tree flower Clare and Emma.mp4

Carley, Clare & Emma - Book week, Book & Read                          Clare & Emma - Alien, Rocket & Astronaut

6TTS S8 book week, book + read Carley Clare and Emma.mp4
7TTS S8 alien rocket astronaut Clare and Emma.mp4

Cathy - Love & Valentines Day                                                  Clare and Emma - Flour, Eggs, Milk & Pancake

4TTS S8 Love + Valentines day Cathy.mp4
5TTS S8 flour, eggs, milk, pancake Clare and Emma.mp4

Emma - Gold, Red & Rat                                                                                               Emma & Clare - Toy & Teddy

2TTS S8 gold red rat clare and Emma.mp4

3TTS S8 toy + teddy Emma and Clare.mp4

Clare and Emma - Chinese new year & Dragon 

1 TTS S8 chinese new year dragon Emma and Clare.mp4

Clare & Susan Post-lady and Star                                                           Stuart & Emma - King and Christmas Tree 

8TTS S7 Christmas Wednesday postlady + star Clare and Susan.mp4
10TTS S7 King + Christmas tree Clare, Stuart + Emma.mp4

Fiona & Emma - Reindeer and Fairy                    Carley, Stuart, Jessica & Emma - Christmas  Pudding, Father Christmas and Cracker

8TTS S7 Christmas - reindeer + fairy Fiona and Emma.mp4
11TTS S7 christmas pudding cracker father christmas Carley Jess Stuart.mp4

Alex - Private place - Public Place                                                                 Miranda - Elf 

7TTS S7 private place public place Alex.mp4
9TTS S7 Christmas Monday Elf Miranda.mp4

        One world different Cultures 

6TTS S7 Culture week 1 world, different cultures Mexico China Egypt Italy Africa America.mp4

Lesley  - One world different cultures 

Bernadette - America 

Claire - Emma - China 

Claire -Emma - Mexico 

Stuart - Italy 

Helen - Africa 

Jessica - Egypt 

                                    Emma - Firework and Be Safe                                                                                  Emma - Today we remember 

4TTS S7 firework and be safe Emma and guest.mp4
5TTS S7 Today we remember Emma.mp4

                                         Clare - Look out  and Calm                                                                                Emma - Pumpkin, Witch and Ghost

2TTS S7 look out and calm Clare.mp4
3TTS S7 pumpkin, witch and ghost Emma (and guest).mp4

                           Carley - Bike, Water and Sand                                                                                      Lisa - Tidy up and Break time 

TTS S6 2 Carley bike water sand.mp4
1TTS S7 tidy up + break time Lisa.mp4

                                        Karen - Today, Yesterday Tomorrow                                                            Helen - Nurse and Doctor 

TTS S5 Karen today, tomorrow, yesterday.mp4
TTS S6 1 Helen C nurse doctor.mp4

                               Katie - Police lady and Police man                                                                                            Julie - Fire fighter 

TTS S5 Katie policelady police man.mp4
TTS S5 Julie firefighter.mp4

                                 Claire - Potato  and  Seeds                                                                                         Emma - Bus and Bus Driver 

TTS S5 2 Clare potato seeds grow.mp4
TTS S5 3 Emma bus bus driver.mp4

                              Susan - Celebration, Festival and Culture                                                          Sarah - Yellow Submarine and Live 

Susan festival celebration and culture .mp4
TTS S5 1 Sarah yellow submarine + to live.mp4

                               Amanda - Holiday and Theme Park                                                                       Megan - Witch, Cauldron and Firework 

TTS S3 12 Amanda holiday + theme park.mp4
Megan witch cauldron and fireworks .mp4

                                           Rosh - iPad, Teddy and Bear                                                                                 Fahima - Finished and Tree 

TTS S3 11 Rosh iPad + teddy + bear.mp4
TTS S3 7 Fahima finshed + tree.mp4

                                     Laura - Shop and Library                                                                                                         Stuart Health Week and Exercise

TTS S3 Laura 10 shop + library.mp4
TTS S3 8 Stuart Health week exercise.mp4

Lesley - Spider and Ladybird                                                                                       Maria - Fruit and Vegetable 

TTS S3 6 Lesley spider ladybird.mp4
TTS S3 Maria fruit + Vegetables.mp4

Jess - Garden and water play 

Christina - Circus and Animal 

5 Jess Garden and Waterplay.mp4
3 Christina circus, animal.mp4

Clare - Magic and Story 

Vicky - Chase, Race & Hide and seek 

4 Clare magic story.mp4
2 Vicky chase, race, hide and seek.mp4

David - Angel and Sky 

Gill - World and Sky 

Time to sign S2 9 angel sky.mp4
Gill world sky.mp4

Katie - Share and More 

Emma - Push, Pull and Squeeze 

Time to sign S2 7 Share more.mp4
Time to sign S2 8 push pull squeeze.mp4

Sarah - Try and Fireworks 

Sarah - Choose and Which 

Time to sign S2 5 try fireworks.mp4
Time to sign S2 6 choose which.mp4

Karen - Dinner and Pudding 

Kat - Apple Banana and Harvest 

Time to sign S2 3 dinner pudding.mp4
Time to sign S2 4 apple, banana and harvest.mp4

Leah - Same and Different 

Polly - Thinking together time 

Time to sign S2 1 Same different.mp4
Time to sign S2 2 Thinking together time.mp4

Charlotte - Teacher and Bus

14 Time to sign- teacher bus.mp4

Tina - Home and Birthday

Tasha - Mum and Dad 

12 Time to sign- home, birthday.mp4
13 Time to sign mum dad.mp4

Carley - Next and Which 

Cindy - Why, What and Where 

11 Time to sign- next, which.mp4
10 Time to sign- why, what, where.mp4

Jackie - Wait and Finished 

Frances - School, Friend and Who 

1 Time to sign- wait finished.mp4
9 Time to sign school, friend and who.mp4

Jessica - First and Play 

Julie - Help and Drink 

5 Time to sign - First and Play.mp4
6 Time to sign - Help and Drink.mp4

Laura - Time and I want 

7 Time to sign - Time and I want.mp4

Joanne - Good Looking - Good Listening 

2 Time to sign - Good looking and Good listening (2) (1).mp4

Debbie - Happy and Sad

Cathy - Good sitting and Good speaking 

8 Time to sign - Happy and Sad.mp4
3 Time to sign - Good sitting and Good speaking.mp4